Monday, October 29, 2012

We miss New York ...

A short visit to the City. So many good memories.

Monday, May 14, 2012

ewz portfolio review

I will be reviewing portfolios as part of the ewz portfolio review days in Zürich this week.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Barbara Jo Revelle

Leafing through the German edition of the Catalog Raisonné "Cindy Sherman: The Early Works" at the bookstore here in Zürich the other day, I came across the pages where Sherman as a student at Buffalo State College and my former grad school teacher, Barbara Jo Revelle, crossed paths, which concludes with this sentence: "Sherman calls Revelle as 'my influential college professor in photography.'" And I can only agree, Revelle had been a most excellent professor, always very generous with her time and insights and subsequently one of the most influential professors I have had - and I am confident that the same is true for many of the thousands of students she has had during her teaching career. Last year, Barbara Jo Revelle retired from teaching and will probably spent most of her time now on her equally prolific career as a (quite radical) artist, working mostly in photography, video and performance. She will be missed as a teacher, but we look forward to seeing her work gaining some appreciation!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lecture at the University of Zürich

On Friday, January 28th, I gave a 90-minute lecture on the "Photography Market" to students in the Executive Master program in Art Market Studies at the University of Zürich. It certainly was a new subject for me in regards to teaching, but I had been invited here to speak in my function as Gallery Director rather than artist. So, I embraced the challenge and ended up really enjoying the presentation and subsequent Q&A session.