Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lecture and Panel Discussion

Today, I held a lecture on Contemporary Photography ("The Impact of Digital Technologies on Photography") at a charity "Fotoseminar" benefitting the Johanna Heumann Foundation at the House Metropol of the Bank Clariden Leu, Zurich. Nanny Baltzer of the University Zurich presented before me a "Stroll through the History of Photography". Afterwards, I participated in a panel discussion on photography that eventually circled back to my presentation of digital technologies and photography, and became quite heated over the argument whether "digital photography" and its practice can be called photography and art at all. I was rather surprised that technology rather than image content are still taken as the determining factor for the inclusion in the "sacred world" of Art and/or Art Photography. That seems to be the old but updated discussion about photography as art ... Interesting, indeed.